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Events Hosted by Al-Hewar Center in 1999
12/7/99: Panel discussion about "The Arab Nationalist Movement in the 1950's and the Islamic Awakening in the 1980's: Remarks and Conclusions," featuring Dr. Taha Jaber Alalwani, Dr. Clovis Maksoud, and Mr. Sadek Sulaiman with remarks by Chief Representative of the Arab League Dr. Khalid Abdulla (in Arabic).
12/1/99: A conversation with former Lebanese Ambassador Dr. Mohamad Chatah about "The Lebanese Economy - Now and in the Future" (in Arabic).
11/17/99: A conversation with Dr. Nasr Aref, professor of political science from Cairo University, about "The Freedom of Thought in the Muslim World" (in Arabic).
11/14/99: A conversation with Mr. Mohammed Abu-Ali, financial advisor with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, about "Investing with Ease: Will You Achieve Your Financial Dreams?" (Presentation and Discussion in English and Arabic).
10/22/99: Discussion with Dr. Mona Abul-Fadl, Chair of Women's Studies at the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (GSISS), about "Tradition and the Contemporary Arab Woman" (in Arabic). Followed by an open discussion with Six Members of The Legal Committee of the Palestinian Legislative Council (a special project sponsored by the West Bank/Gaza Mission of USAID).
- A conversation with Dr. Taghreed Aqudsi, professor of Library and Information Systems at
the Kuwait University and visiting professor at the University of Maryland, about
for Arab Children and Young Adults."
Followed by an
open discussion with Syrian thinker, Dr. George Jabbour, about "The Three
Initiatives Needed to Serve Arab Civilization" (both events in Arabic).
10/12/99: - A conversation about "What The Community Wants from Arab and Muslim Organizations" with Dr. Hala Maksoud, President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Mr. Aly Ramadan Abouzakouk, Executive Director of the American Muslim Council (AMC) (in Arabic).
9/29/99: Panel Discussion about "Arab Solidarity During Gamal Abdul Nasser's Era" (in Arabic).
9/22/99: Panel Discussion about "How to Approach the Issue of Jerusalem with Americans" (in English and Arabic), featuring Khalid Turaani, director of American Muslims for Jerusalem, and Khalid El-Gindi, from the American Committee for Jerusalem.
9/17/99: An evening of poetry with Dr. Anis Obeid reading from his new book of poetry "Sada Assineen (The Echo of the Years)" (in Arabic).
9/1/99: "A Point-of-View About the Upcoming Presidential Election in Yemen" with Mr. Mohammad Ghaleb Ahmad, a representative of the Social party (in Arabic).
8/30/99: Special event organized in coordination with ANA TV about "The U.S.-Arab Community: What it Means to Come from Different Countries with a Single Culture to One Country with Numerous Cultures" (in Arabic). Broadcast live on ANA TV with a studio audience and call-in participation on Abbas Metwalli's show.
8/4/99: Open Discussion on "Expectations about the Middle East Peace Process", including opinions by Palestinian writer, Dr. Fowzi Al-Asmar, Saudi writer Dr. Anwar Al-Ashqi, and Egyptian writer Dr. Hassan Wajih. Moderated by Chief Representative of the Arab League Dr. Khalid Abdulla (in Arabic).
7/17/99: Panel discussion about "Elements of an Arab Renaissance," featuring a main paper by Dr. Taha Jaber Al-Alwani and comments by Dr. Clovis Maksoud, Mr. Sadek Sulaiman, and Dr. Khalid Abdullah (in Arabic). (Held at The School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Leesburg, Virginia)
7/11/99: A conversation with lawyers Houeida Saad and Dev Kayal about "Legal Issues Concerning Arab Americans: Immigration and Civil Rights" (in English)
6/30/99: A conversation with Dr. Shafeeq Al-Ghabra, Professor of Political Science at Kuwait University, about "Impressions about the Political Life of Kuwait and its Upcoming Elections" (in Arabic)
6/23/99: A conversation with Dr. Sami Hamarneh about "Medicine During the Arab Golden Age" (in Arabic)
6/16/99: An Evening of Music and Poetry to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Magazine (in Arabic)
6/9/99: Panel discussion about "How the Arab World Can Handle Regional and International Challenges" (in Arabic)
6/2/99: A conversation with the New Ambassador of Lebanon, Dr. Farid Abboud about "The Current Situation in Lebanon" (in Arabic)
4/28/99: Social gathering on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Al-Hewar Magazine and conversation with a delegation from some Arab countries invited by the United States Information Agency
4/21/99: A conversation with Ambassador of Egypt Ahmed Maher El-Sayed, about "Egypt and the Current Situation in the Arab World" (in Arabic)
4/18/99: Young Adult Meeting (for ages 20s & 30s), followed by a conversation with political science professor and media expert, Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, about "The Technology Revolution and its Effects on the Arab Media" (English and Arabic). Followed by a Screening of "Nahr el-Hayat," a short film produced, directed and performed by Arab Americans in Washington, D.C.
4/14/99: Open discussion about "Does Our Arab Identity Clash with Our Other Identities?" (in Arabic)
4/11/99: A conversation with Islamic Scholar, Dr. Fathi Osman, about "A Point-of-View About Islam and Democracy" [Co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID) in Washington, D.C]. Followed by an open discussion about "The Situation in Kosova." (in Arabic)
4/7/99: A conversation with Dr. Mohamad Finaish, former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), about "The International Financial Crisis: Developing Countries' Policies and Prospects" (in Arabic)
3/31/99: A conversation with Dr. Fowzi Al-Asmar and Dr. Kamal Khaldi about "The Palestinian State and the Upcoming Israeli Elections" (in Arabic)
3/24/99: A conversation with Dr. Ahmed El Bashir, professor at the University of the District of Columbia, about "American-Sudanese Relations: Terrorism and Sanctions" (in Arabic)
3/21/99: A conversation with Ambassador of Jordan, Dr. Marwan Muasher, about "Jordan After King Hussein" (in Arabic)
3/17/99: An open discussion about "Ethnic Conflicts in the Arab World" (in Arabic)
3/15/99: Special evening about the "First Israeli Invasion of Lebanon (1978) and UN Security Council Resolution 425" with Dr. Victor El-Zmeter, Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of Lebanon (in Arabic)
3/8/99: Open Informal gathering for members to get acquainted.
3/7/99: An Evening of Music and Poetry prepared by Ms. Nahida Fadli Dajani (in Arabic)
3/3/99: A conversation with Dr. Suheil Bushrui, author of the new book Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet, about "The Permanency of Kahlil Gibran." To be moderated and with an introduction by poet Mariam Qasem El Saad. (Event in English)
3/1/99: Open Informal gathering for members to get acquainted.
2/24/99: A conversation with Mr. Hashim El-Tinay, Sudanese writer and expert on international relations, about "International Relations at the Dawn of a New Millenium: Myth and Reality" (in Arabic)
2/17/99: Open discussion about "The Arabs: A Date with -or Passing Out of- History?" (in Arabic)
2/10/99: Conversation with Ambassador Mohammed Al-Shaali, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates with "Remarks About the Current Situation in the Gulf" (in Arabic)
2/3/99: A conversation with Dr. Mohammed A. Zabarah, professor at Sanaa University, aand Dr. Abdu H. Sharif, visiting scholar at American University in Washington, D.C., about "Yemen and the Gulf States: Continuity and Change" (in Arabic)
1/27/99: A conversation with conflict resolution specialists, Ms. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah and Mr. Amr Abdallah about "Conflict Resolution: The Culture Conflict Nexus" (in English)
1/20/99: A conversation with Dr. Abdul Jabbar Al-Obeidi, former professor of history at Baghdad, Kuwait and Zawia Universities, about "An Evaluation of the Islamic and Arabic Heritage and Conclusions for the Future" (in Arabic)
1/13/99: A conversation with Dr. Mounir Nasser, former professor of media at Bir Zeit University in the West Bank, about "The Role and Realities of the Palestinian Media" (in Arabic)
1/9/99: "Sahra Ramadania" with an open discussion about the current situation in the Arab world (in Arabic)
1/6/99: Social gathering including a presentation by internist Dr. Maurice Atiyeh about "Prevention and Health" (in Arabic)
Click Here to See Events Hosted in 2000
If you do not live in the Washington D.C. area or are unable to attend, the presentations at Al-Hewar Center are published in our Magazine, AL-HEWAR (featuring the English supplement The Arab-American Dialogue) Click here for subscription information
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