Al-Hewar Center Links Page

Newspapers and Magazines
TV & Radio
Organizations and Other Interesting Links

Newspapers and Magazines



Arabic Media Internet Network
(Arabic/English Site)



El-Youm (Algeria)

Leila Magazine (Australia)

Alayam (Bahrain)

Al-Ahaly (Egypt)

Al-Ahram (Egypt)

Al-Araby (Egypt)

Al-Gomhuria (Egypt)

Al-Inshaa (Lebanon)

Al Jadeed (Lebanon)

Al-Mesryoon (Egypt)

Al-Wafd (Egypt)

Assafir Al Arabi (Cairo)

El-Sha'ab (Egypt)

Nahrain (Iraq)

Ad-Dustour (Jordan)

Al-Qabas (Kuwait)

Al-Raialaam (Kuwait)

Al-Watan (Kuwait)

Aliwaa (Lebanon)

Annahar (Lebanon)

Assafir (Lebanon)

Al-Anwar (Lebanon)

Al-Mawkef (Lebanon)

Al-Mustaqbal  (Lebanon)

Kifah Arabi (Lebanon)


Al-Arab Newspaper (London)

Al-Quds  (London)

Asharq Alawsat (London)

Azzaman (London)

Al-Watan (Oman)

Al-Quds (Palestine)

Al-Raya (Qatar)

Al-Sharq (Qatar)

Al-Watan (Qatar)

Al-Jazirah (Saudi Arabia)

Al-Madina (Saudi Arabia)

AlRiyadh (Saudi Arabia)

Al-Watan (Saudi Arabia)

Okaz (Saudi Arabia)

Al-Sahafa (Sudan)

Sudanile (Sudan)

Teshreen (Syria)

Assabah (Tunisia)

Al-Bayan (UAE)

Al-Ittihad (UAE)

Al-Khaleej (UAE)

Emirates News Agency (UAE)

Al-Mustakillah (UK)

Al-Hayat (UK)

Al-Ayyam (Yemen)

Al-Ray (Yemen)

Al-Shoura Weekly (Yemen)

Arab America


Al-Jazeera English Site

Al-Ahram Weekly

The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

Arab News
(Saudi Arabia)


Arab American Business Magazine (US)

The Daily Star

The Nation

Qatar News Agency

Syria Times

Khaleej Times

Gulf News

U.S. Report on
the Middle East

(Links to many newspapers in
the U.S. and around the world)


TV and Radio

Al-Arabiya TV (Arabic)

Al-Arabiya TV (English)

Al-Alam TV

Al-Jazeera TV


ART (Arab Radio and TV)

Bahrain TV & Radio

BBC Radio-Arabic

Dubai TV

Emirates Media Inc.<

RT TV Arabic


(First Moroccan Web-TV)

France 24 and Monte Carlo Radio (Arabic)

MBC (Lebanon)

MSNBC (Arabic)

Sawt Beirut - Voice of Beirut (Lebanon)

Syrian TV


Future TV 

Voice of America Radio & TV (Arabic)

Jordan TV & Radio


Oman TV & Radio

Radio Kuwait

Voice of Lebanon

Organizations and Other Links

Al-Hewar Center

Academy for Educational Development (AED) - USA

AED Center for Gender Equality

Arab Community Center for Economic 
and Social Services

Portal serving Bahrain and GCC States

 Al-Aqsa Intifada

Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Middle East Internet Network

Internet Network

(Arab American Roman Catholic Community)

Al Imam Al Ouzai University and
The Wakf of the Islamic Center for

Middle East and Islam Resources Database
University of Halle Library, Germany


Ambassador Farid Abboud

Ameen Rihani Homepage
State Department Bureau of International Information Programs

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)

American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights (AAPER)
New Pro-Palestine Lobby

American Committee on Jerusalem (ACJ)

American Iraqi Chamber of Commerce

American Muslim Council (AMC)

American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ)

 Americans for Middle East Understanding

American Task Force on Palestine

American Perspectives on
The Middle East

American University Center for the Global South
Former Director, Prof. Clovis Maksoud

Antiochian Orthodox Christian
Archdiocese of North America

The Arab Academy

Arab Ambassador

Arab-American Bar Association

Arab American Institute

Arab American National Museum

Arab Commission for Human Rights

Arab Culture and Civilization
Online Resource by the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education

Arab Culture and Identity

Arab Expatriates Department
Arab League Expat Page

Arab Group for the Protection of Nature


Arabic and Islamic Architecture

Arabic Chat (Alsaha Al-Arabia)

Arabic Topsites

Arab Film Distribution

Arab League (Cairo)

Arab Sites Directory and Polls in English and Arabic

Arab Pioneers in America

Arab Reform Forum

Arabs Against Discrimination

Arab Student Aid International

 Arab Tourism Guide

Arab Union Net

Arab World Books

Arab Writers Union

Asian American Net

Association of Patriotic Arab Americans in the Military (APAAM)

Audio Speeches of Some 
Famous World Leaders

(Provided by the BBC Arabic Branch)

AW Center

Baghdad Museum Project

Beirut Information Online


Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs
Georgetown University

Cafe Arabica

Calendar of Community Events
(Comprehensive List of Events in
Washington D.C. area)

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Center for Arabic Culture (CAC)

Center for Arab Unity Studies
(in Lebanon)

Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
(& The Jerusalem Fund)

Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding
at Georgetown University

CET Academic Programs
Intensive Arabic Language & Culture Studies in Aleppo

Civilizations Exchange and Cooperation Foundation

Connecting Cultures, Inc.
Islam & Religious Diversity Training

Council for the National Interest

Council on American Islamic Relations

Council on Islamic Education

The Countries and People of Arabia

Cultural Foundation
(Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Cyber Palestine

 Deir Yassin

Democracy Now

  Dubai Photo Media

The Echo and the Pixie
a new on-line book for children about 
how to protect themselves from abuse
by M.W. Hardgrove

Edward Said Archive

Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs

Egyptian History Calendar

Arab Culture Site

Embassy of Algeria

Embassy of Bahrain

Embassy of Qatar

Embassy of Lebanon

Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Embassy of the United Arab Emirates

Embassies in Washington DC 

The Emirates Center for Strategic
Studies and Research

Events All Around the Arab Community
(The - best viewed with an IE Browser)

(Her music, plays, bio, and more)

Federal Election Commission's
Campaign Finance Page

Who gets money from whom?

Click on this site and a corporate donation 
will be made to feed a hungry person in the world

Free Media Watch (Austria)
(in Arabic, English, and German)

"Free Palestine" Tee Shirts

Fund for Palestinian Legal Aid
An Appeal for Immediate Action (Website in Arabic)

Gamal Abdul Nasser Website
An Independent Intercultural Crossroads On Line
for Communication, Understanding, Transformation, and Peace

Gibran Khalil Gibran Website

Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet" (Tribute to)

Global Insight

Votes from around the globe on a variety of questions - add your vote!

Government Arab College in Jerusalem

Graduate School of Islamic and
Social Sciences

Guide to American Universities


Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation

The House of Morocco

Holy Quran Recitation System 
by Easy Recite Arabic, Canada

Artist Houda Naamani

If Americans Knew
What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine

Intifada Fact Sheet
Prepared by HDIP

Institute for Palestine Studies
Articles and Publications

International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)

Iraq and Iraqis

Iraq Group Net
The Voice of Iraqi Independents

Islamic Center of Southern California

Islamic Weekend School
(In Maryland - metro Washington DC)

Islam in the United States
Website Prepared by the U.S. State Department

Islam on Line

Islamic Society of North America

Israeli Committee Against House Demolition

Kahlil Gibran Research and Studies Project 
(University of Maryland)

Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights

Kuwait Foundation for the
 Advancement of Sciences

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development

Kuwait Information Office

Languages on the Web
(Contains Arabic language programs, links to Arabic publications and much more!)

Lebanese Academy of Sciences

Lebanese Armed Forces Magazine

Lebanon Guide
Search Engine
Lebanon Internet Guide

Library of Congress

Life Behind the Wall
The life of Palestinian students behind the occupation Wall

Legal Research and Resource
Center for Human Rights

(Cairo, Egypt)

Find all your favorite Arab media here


Medical Missions for Children

Mers Information Industries

Middle East Economic Survey

Middle East Public Prive Investment Forum (April 29-30, 2002)

Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoum Foundation

Moqatel min Al Sahara
(in Arabic)

Mondo Melodia Records
(Your Source for Middle Eastern Music)

Mosaic Foundation
(charitable foundation sponsored by the spouses
of Arab Ambassadors to the United States)

Morocco Home Page

Mufti Kuftaro Website

Muntada: Libya Human & Political Development Forum

Muslim Family Network

Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

Muslim Philosophy

Muslim Relief Organizations

Muslim Scientists, 700 - 1500 C.E.
(Before the European Renaissance)

Muslim World League

Naseej News

Gamal Abdel Nasser Website 

National Security Archive
at The George Washington University
Declassified US Security Documents

National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce

New Dominion Political Action Committee

Open Dialogue
Bringing People and Cultures Together Through Dialogue

Palestine Media Project

Palestine Remembered

Palestine Human Rights
Monitoring Group (PHRMG)

Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (Miftah)

  Palestine Monitor
(Palestine Information Clearing House)

Palestinian Nakba

Pictures of Al-Mashriq Region

PLO Mission


See You in the USA
New E-Journal of the US State Department

Strategic Foresight Group

Stop US Tax-Funded Aid to Israel Now

Syrian Sites

UAE Cultural Foundation

A Film about Secret Evidence

Union of Arab Student Associations

United Nations Development Program

United Nations Information Website

United Nations Security Council
 Resolutions on Lebanon

US 4 Arabs
Community Guide and Reference Source

U.S.A. Almanac
(Info about the USA provided by 
Middle East News and World Report)

About the U.S.S. LIBERTY

Another U.S.S. Liberty Site

US Report on the Middle East

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate

U.S. State Department

Welcome to the White House

World Arab Translators' Association

World Council of Churches

Zaidan Foundation
Enhancing Intercultural Understanding and
Disseminating Arabic Culture

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