The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
Condemns Terror Attacks in U.S.
Today, America woke up struggling to comprehend yesterday's horrific events and to understand what motivations lie behind such a tragedy. We at the Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, like all people committed to justice and appalled by violence, condemn these attacks and express our heartfelt sympathy to the victims and their families and loved ones.
The Center is keenly aware that under these circumstances, it is essential to exercise extreme caution and to be thoughtful in our reactions and responses. The media's selective use of images of Palestinians in refugee camps "celebrating" in the streets without any contextual information provides a misleading picture and encourages anti-Arab and anti-Islamic feelings-and actions. There is too little awareness of the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation in a context in which many Palestinians view Israeli and U.S. policy as inextricably linked.
Throughout the Middle East, Arabs-Muslims and Christians-as well as Jews share our collective sense of mourning. Offers of sympathy and assistance are pouring in from leaders across the Arab world. Here at home, Arab and Islamic organizations call upon their members to donate blood and help in rescue and relief efforts underway.
Arab and Muslim Americans face additional fears now, remembering the virulent anti-Arab/anti-Muslim behavior that erupted following the Oklahoma City bombing and the TWA Flight 800 crash, although neither Arabs nor Muslims were in any way part of these tragedies.
Terrorism is a threat not only to America and the American way of life, but to the peace, security, and well-being of all nations on earth. To decisively defeat terrorism in the world, however, the U.S. should not pursue this goal alone, but with full international collaboration.
As the United States pursues its war on terrorism, we must remember that ignorance, hysteria, and vigilantism are also our enemies.
The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine will continue its efforts to promote understanding of the impact of U.S. policy in the Middle East and
provide thoughtful analysis of events and issues that affect those who seek peace, justice, and freedom for all peoples.
Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine / Tel: 202.338.1290 / Fax: 202.333.7742 /
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