Public Statement from Muhammad Ali
The Islamic Institute, in our effort to keep the American Muslim community informed of the comments of public figures in the wake of the attacks on New York and Washington, would like to share the comments of former heavyweight boxing champion and American Muslim Muhammad Ali. The Islamic Institute would like to applaud Mr. Ali for his statement. The text of the public statement from Mr. Ali follows:
"I am a Muslim. I am an American. As an American Muslim, I want to express my deep sadness and anguish at the tremendous loss of life that occurred on Tuesday.
Islam is a religion of peace. Islam does not promote terrorism or the killing of people.
I cannot sit by and let the world think that Islam is a killing religion. It hurts me to see what radical people are doing in the name of Islam. These radicals are doing things that God is against. Muslims do not believe in violence.
If the culprits are Muslim, they have twisted the teachings of Islam. Whoever performed, or is behind, the terrorist attacks in the United States of America does not represent Islam. God is not behind assassins. Anyone involved in this must pay for their evil.
Hatred caused this tragedy and adding to the hatred that already exists in the world will not help. Instead, we should try to understand each other better.
Americans are warm, loving and hospitable people, and we share many of the same values. I ask that churches and synagogues all across the nation invite representatives of the Islamic faith into their places of worship, to better understand Islam. This could help us all respect each other more.
I pray that God blesses the people and families of those who were killed, and our great country."
Islamic Institute
Washington, DC 20036
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